@Potus / New One ..... DONALD J. TRUMP | 45TH & 47TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ... Directly from the White House webpage !
Official Picture of our President After a landslide election victory in 2024, President Donald J. Trump is returning to the White House to build upon his previous successes and use his mandate to reject the extremist policies of the radical left while providing tangible quality of life improvements for the American people. This includes putting a stop to endless wars, defending our nation’s borders, and unleashing the potential of the American economy, affording ALL Americans the opportunity to pursue THEIR version of the American dream. In his first administration, President Trump passed record-setting tax cuts and regulation cuts, achieved energy independence, replaced NAFTA with the United-States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, invested $2 trillion to completely rebuild the Military, launched the Space Force, obliterated the ISIS Caliphate, achieved a major breakthrough for peace in the Middle East, passed the most significant Veterans Affairs reforms in half a century, confirmed over 250 ...